
Dry Dust Mops Select

Mops and Brooms Select Inc., is known for their dust mops. Select will offer you synthetic, acrylic, cotton, looped-end or cut-end mops. Select have a wide variety of dust mops that will respond to your needs.
Mops and Brooms Select Inc., is known for their dust mops. Select will offer you synthetic, acrylic, cotton, looped-end or cut-end mops. Select have a wide variety of dust mops that will respond to your needs.
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Grid Details
  • Color White
  • Manufacturer Select
  • Type Cut-end
  • Material Cotton
  • Attachement Type Tie-On
  • Length 24" (61 cm)
  • Color White
  • Manufacturer Select
  • Type Cut-end
  • Material Cotton
  • Attachement Type Tie-On
  • Length 48" (121.9 cm)
  • Color Blue
  • Model Astrolene
  • Material Synthetic
  • Type Cut-end
  • Manufacturer Select
  • Attachement Type Tie-On
  • Feature Electrostatic
  • Length 18" (45.7 cm)
  • Color Blue
  • Model Astrolene
  • Material Synthetic
  • Type Cut-end
  • Manufacturer Select
  • Attachement Type Tie-On
  • Feature Electrostatic
  • Length 24" (61 cm)
  • Color Blue
  • Model Astrolene
  • Material Synthetic
  • Type Cut-end
  • Manufacturer Select
  • Attachement Type Tie-On
  • Feature Electrostatic
  • Length 36" (91.4 cm)
  • Color Blue
  • Model Astrolene
  • Material Synthetic
  • Type Cut-end
  • Manufacturer Select
  • Attachement Type Tie-On
  • Feature Electrostatic
  • Length 48" (121.9 cm)
  • Color Blue
  • Model Astrolene
  • Material Synthetic
  • Type Cut-end
  • Manufacturer Select
  • Attachement Type Tie-On
  • Feature Electrostatic
  • Length 60" (152.4 cm)
  • Color White
  • Material Synthetic
  • Type Cut-end
  • Attachement Type Tie-On
  • Manufacturer Select
  • Length 36" (91,4 cm)
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